Tele-Dermatology: The Benefits of Seeing a Dermatologist Online

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Tele-Dermatology: The Benefits of Seeing a Dermatologist Online

Do you have concerns about your skin or hair? Getting an appointment with a dermatologist can be stressful. There can be a long wait time for scheduled appointments or a long drive to the nearest dermatologist.

Due to advancements in technology, you can meet with a dermatologist online. Just through your camera on your phone, dermatologists can assess moles, rashes, folliculitis and much more. Keep reading to learn more about virtual dermatology.

What Is Tele-Dermatology?

Tele-Dermatology is a form of Telehealth. During a tele-dermatology consultation, patients can see a dermatologist online. These consultations are typically performed live with a board-certified dermatologist.

Dermatologists can capture images and videos of the patient's skin concerns at the appointment. Tele-dermatology has specialized technology to capture any skin ailments. So, dermatologists can make accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.

What Conditions Are Assessed Through Tele-Dermatology?

Tele-Dermatology is beneficial to patients, but it does have its limits. Most on online dermatologiststreat a varietyconditions such as:

  • Acne
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Age spots
  • Moles and skin tags
  • Viral Rashes
  • And much more

Most consultations with an online dermatologist are for minor health problems. If your condition requires a more invasive approach, you may need to see your dermatologist in person.

What Are the Benefits of Using Tele-Dermatology?

Using tele-dermatology for your consultation can be a great tool to get the answers you need. Here's a list of a few ways tele-dermatology can make your life easier:


Convenience is one of the top benefits of using tele-dermatology. The patient does not have to commute to see the doctor. Patients will not have to miss work or rearrange their schedule to have an appointment.

Additionally, patients can use the asynchronous consultation option. Patients can reach out to the doctor on their own time without an appointment. Doctors will answer their questions at their earliest convenience.


Patients who see dermatologists online are more likely to save money. On average, patients can expect to save 10 to 80 dollars during their appointment. This is great for patients who have a long-term treatment plan.


Patients should see a reduction in waiting time for consultations while using tele-dermatology. On average, patients wait 30 to 35 days for an in-person dermatologist consultation.

A study from 2020 shows tele-dermatology reducing the average wait time by 78 percent. This reduction in wait time allows patients to get timely treatment and receive results faster.

Reputable Telehealth Companies for Tele-Dermatology

There are many companies that offer Tele-Dermatology consultations. Here are a few reputable companies:


No appointment needed. Dermatologist on call provides services to patients 24/7, and they can diagnose over 3000 skin conditions. The price of this service is 59 dollars. Patients typically receive a treatment plan within a day.


A consultation from FirstDermstarts at $34.95. On average, consultations from FirstDerm take 24 hours for a treatment assessment. FirstDerm’s board certified dermatologistsare able to help treat minor dermal issues24 hours a day. They can check up on any skin concern within hours and give you peace of mind on the move or from the comfort of your own home


Available in 50 states with the exception of North Carolina, Apostropheis digital dermatology health care company focusing on treating skin and hair-related conditions. Apostrophe says,“We treat acne with science, not hacks” A consultation with an online dermatologist costs 59 dollars, and it takes 24 hours to get answers from a doctor.


Offers a skin care program called FaceRx. For $20 dollars you can virtually meet with a dermatologist and received customized skin care products in less than three minutes all shipped to your home.

Learn More About Dermatologists Online

We hope we provided more information about tele-dermatology and answered your questions. It's important to know how you can improve your healthcare through telehealth.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of telehealthyou can find more information at, we post regularly about virtual health-related topics because we love keeping our users informed.

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Online dermatology
Telehealth and dermatology
Dermatologists online
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